Monday, July 16, 2007

We're Back

We haven't posted in awhile–we found out the hard way our camera wasn't waterproof. So we got a new one. Here's some shots of us, guess what, surfing. It was a pretty small day, but fun nevertheless. Elizabeth's getting quite good at it. We've pretty much got a routine down–work and surf. An average Saturday or Sunday is us getting to the beach mid morning, surfing for a few hours, coming in and eating lunch, then going out and surfing for a few more hours. Oh yeah, then crashing at about 9 PM. Fourth of July was CRAZY. People literally parked like 5 miles from the beach and walked. We lucked into a close spot. Look for our next post, you'll see what a wetsuit tan line looks like. It's pretty embarrassing.


Mark Allen said...


What are you up to these days?

San Diego, I see?

I just went through there on my way down to a mission trip in Baja this summer.

Let me know what you're doing.

Hope all is well,

KarolynK said...

Hey Ross!! It looks like you haven't updated this in awhile..but I ran across your page through another old College Lifer! Looks like you and your beautiful bride are enjoying SD! I am up teaching in LA now and will be done there in a few weeks to visit friends...small world!