Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Two daze in Texas

Well we finally made it back to Texas. After a 5 hour flight delay and a bumpy flight, we arrived in warm and humid DFW at about 3am. We slept for a couple of hours and then began the race to see as many family and friends as possible. All the while, taking part in a good friend's wedding—Tim Tam that is. Here's Elizabeth and I with a former coworker and spouse at the rehearsal dinner. Family, friends and the wedding were all good. Shrek 3, however, wasn't. Don't waste the cash. Elizabeth got some good time with her old roomies and me with my Mom. Saw some friends at church and BAM! we're back on a plane to San Diego and surfing a few hours later. On a sad note, my ribs have been hurting really bad and I haven't been able to surf for what feels like an eternity. And Elizabeth gashed her hands open after she beached (and extensively dinged) the longboard. She'll be back in the water in no time.

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