Sunday, March 18, 2007

San Diego

Well we made it. Work for me has been hectic, Elizabeth just accepted a job starting tomorrow and I've been surfing. That's me there dominating the white wash. Elizabeth's going to start surfing soon too.
Elizabeth is going to start surfing when it gets warmer here. Ross failed to mention it was as warm in the water as it was on the beach, which made it about 58 degrees but add wind to that and it was a lot colder. I was huddled up on the beach in a sweatshirt, trying to stay out of the wind. I couldn't understand why there were over 50 crazy people out there including my husband!
Here is a picture of Max at the beach making friends. I've had a lot of fun taking him to doggie parks and doggie beaches. We've tried to go pretty much every day! He's in for a rude awakening tomorrow.

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