Jack is taking off as you can see by the pictures, he's not a sitting still type of baby. I can't leave him alone for a second because he will scale up on the couch to get to the window so he can bang on it. He's so much fun. I say every stage is my favorite because he's just getting to be more and more fun. He's not walking yet but doing a lot of cruising on the furniture (along the bottom and tops of it). He had reverted to infancy like sleep patterns (getting up 3-4 times a night) so we had to do a little sleep training. I think it was harder on me than on Jack but well worth it. We are actually sleeping more than 2 hours at a time so I'm starting to feel a little more human.
We are trying keep busy, Jack loves to be out and about. On Mondays and Thursdays we have our play group meetings, Tuesdays we have library story time, Wednesdays I'm going to MOPS so Jack gets to hang out with other babies while I eat a meal sitting down, and Friday is our free day where we often love to hang out with Jack's friend Brooke. We've also joined the Y so that Jack can stay comfortable in the water. He goes under on his own, he will hold onto my hands and step into the water. He sings and talks to as many people as possible while we are at the pool.